5 Essential Foods To Reduce Your Stress Levels
By BookEventz
Blog timeOct 18, 2014

5 Essential Foods To Reduce Your Stress Levels !!

Is your life spiraling out of control? Do you have long working hours? Does your work exhaust you mentally more than physically? In such situations, it is easy to neglect your need for essential vitamins and minerals, fuel your body with junk food.  When you are stressed, your body needs lots of vitamins and minerals to get rid of stress.  It is necessary to shake off the stress levels to lead a better life. Increased stress levels can also lead to depression.

We have zeroed down on these 5 foods that will not only fight with the damaging effects caused by stress and junk foods but will also help you to boost your overall energy levels.



Bananas reduces stress
Eat Bananas to reduce stress


Bananas are a rich source of potassium, essential for the body to reduce tension. They contain trypotophan, an amino acid which boosts the formation of feel-good-hormone(serotonin) and sleep hormone(melatonin).






Oranges-Great source of Vitamin C
Oranges contain Vitamin C which helps to reduce stress


Oranges and citrus are well known for their high levels of vitamin C. Due to stress, the level of vitamin C in your body is drastically reduced. Human body does not produce vitamins naturally, it is important to fuel your body with external sources, so that your immune system functions at its optimum. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant for the body, and repairs the immune system.






Eat nuts to reduce stress
Packed with vitamins, minerals and zinc- helps you to reduce stress


Nuts are a great source of stress relievers. They are packed with Vitamin B, Vitamin E, zinc and magnesium.  Vitamin B and Magnesium, relieves stress by boosting serotonin, while zinc helps to fight the negative effects of stress. Vitamin E is an important anti-oxidant that destroys the free radicals related to stress and heart disease.






Milk and Yoghurt

Milk is a great source of calcium
Milk calms your mind and reduces stress



Milk and Yoghurt contain high amount of calcium, which helps you to build your bones and essential for nerve health. They contain Trypotopan- mood stabilizer, which helps you to calm your mind. It is recommended to drink a glass of milk before going to bed for the same reason.




Include these foods in your daily diet and experience the stress levels reduced. Enjoy a stress free life and lead a life, full of energy and positivity.

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Jay BhavsarMy name is Jay. I am a content writer at Bookeventz. Love writing and reading poetry and a big Cricket buff. Favourite movie and book of all time - The Lord Of The Rings.
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