Benefits of a Healthy Diet on Your Body
By BookEventz
Blog timeDec 27, 2014
Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating

Your body is like a machine. A machine needs to be maintained and regularly oiled so that it functions to the optimum. Similarly, human body also needs to be fed regularly with right nutrition so that it performs at its best every single day.

Indulging in a balanced diet is very important. It not only helps in your physical well being but also your mental health. On a daily basis, a human body should get between 45%-65% of calories from carbohydrates, 10%-35% of daily calories from proteins and between 20%-35% of daily calories from fats.

A healthy mind delves in healthy body. Indulge in healthy nutrition and you will see significant changes in your body. We list down few here: 


Healthy Heart for a Healthy Brain

Improved heart health:

A diet low in fats, cholesterol and sodium can reduce the risk of heart diseases.  These type of fats play a major role in increasing the risk of heart diseases. Saturate and trans fats elevate the risk of heart attacks and should be avoided. Indulge in healthier diets like fruits, vegetables, whole-grains and low-fat dairy.  Increase the servings of vegetables every day and have an improved and healthy heart.

Bone and Teeth Strength:

A diet rich in calcium keeps your bones and teeth strong, prevents bone loss. Foods such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, green vegetables, fruit juices, cereals etc are good sources of vitamins. Vitamin D is good for your body as it helps in absorption of calcium.

Enhanced Energy Levels:

Indulging in balanced and nutritious diet, one will experience improved energy levels. When you eliminate excess fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates help to prevent fluctuations in sugar levels. Whole grains, vegetables and fruits are few of the most nutritious source for the body. Eating a healthy breakfast, helps one to maintain energy levels throughout the day. Improved nutrition means improved energy levels.

Brain Health:

A Balanced Diet For A Healthy Body
A Balanced Diet For A Healthy Body

Proper nourishment improves the blood flow to the brain. It helps to protect brain cells and prevent many diseases. For healthy diet, avoid junk foods. Include lots of green vegetables, fruits, whole grains etc to provide the optimum nourishment for your body.

Weight Control

To avoid weight gain, we must never indulge in more calories than we burn everyday.  Sodas, sweets and fast foods contain more calories than fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc.  Shedding of extra pounds reduces the risk of obesity-related conditions, clogged arteries, risk of heart attacks and many other ailments.


Indulging in junk food is easy, getting addicted to it is also not difficult but sticking to a healthy diet is certainly a difficult task. Once you start following a healthy diet, you will find a difference in your body you had only dreamt of. Engage in healthy diet and eat your way to fitness.

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Jay BhavsarMy name is Jay. I am a content writer at Bookeventz. Love writing and reading poetry and a big Cricket buff. Favourite movie and book of all time - The Lord Of The Rings.
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