Don’t get Hung over your Hangover
By BookEventz
Blog timeMar 28, 2013

Waking up after a hard night of partying is never fun especially when you have gulped down more than your normal quota of alcohol. But this happens when you are in the full flow of the party and you don’t want to spoil the fun by keeping a track of the number of pegs you drank. What follows the next morning is pounding headache, uneasy feeling in the stomach, body ache and all this makes you say the used and abused line “I will never drink again” But why fear when we are here, we will give you a small list of handy and easy tips to get over that bad hangover and get back on track like before.



Drink Water: Drink lots of water before and after your drinking session. This will make sure that all the alcohol in your body is flushed out and your body is adequately hydrated to dilute the alcohol that you take in. You can also add a dash of lemon in your water as it will help to relax your stomach and add Vitamin C to your body.


Eat: Make sure you eat some light snacks and go for your party. Having alcohol on empty stomach will make your body absorb the alcohol very fast. Eating some snacks before and while drinking will help the alcohol burn faster and will make you feel better.

Don’t binge drink: Space out your drinks with water and fruit juices and don’t have your alcohol very fast. By this your body will get adequate time to adjust and flush out the excess alcohol.

Fresh air: Get out of your house or open your windows of your house to get some fresh air. Fresh air will relax your body and senses.
Take a bath: Nothing will refresh you like a relaxing bath. Try not to use hot water and preferably use lukewarm to cold water to help you get out of that hangover faster.

Take a bath: Nothing will refresh you like a relaxing bath. Try not to use hot water and preferably use lukewarm to cold water to help you get out of that hangover faster.


Throw up: As disgusting it may sound, when all the tips fail this is the ultimate weapon to use to give you instant relief.

Use these tips and never let the nervousness of morning hangover spoil your party. However easy these tips may sound, but the best tip that we have for you is to prevent this hangover than cry about it in the morning. So drink responsibly and in moderation and listen to your body whenever it tells you to stop and head back home.

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Jay BhavsarMy name is Jay. I am a content writer at Bookeventz. Love writing and reading poetry and a big Cricket buff. Favourite movie and book of all time - The Lord Of The Rings.
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