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10 stress management activities at workplace you need to be aware of!

By Aditi Rampure
Blog timeAug 16, 2019

In these latter days,  you can develop stress or anxiety at any place you work even if you love your work! Meeting the deadlines, changes at the last minute, presentations, massive projects, the office culture takes a toll on your mental and physical well being. Hence, organising fun stress management activities at the workplace becomes imperative. 

In this article, we are going to talk about how you can relieve stress at your office. These stress buster activities will help you in dealing with anxiety and will also strengthen your team!

Here are 10 fun stress management activities for your office:

1. Go for a walk

Walking is practically proven one of the best stress-buster activities which costs nothing. You can walk anytime anywhere. Sitting comfortably at work-stations and working all-day-long does not seem stressful but in reality, it contributes to back pain. Make a practice to walk for 5 minutes every hour. Walking releases the endorphins which immediately helps you relieve anxiety and pain. Walking makes us feel so good and elevate our mood instantly.

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2. Offer a special place for employees to relax

Having little nooks and crannies throughout campus that people refer to as 3rd spaces. A place which is away from your desk or lab and which is able to give you a change of pace and reenergize yourself. Hence. it becomes necessary to offer spaces to employees which helps to rewire their brains and help then relive stress.

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3. Flexible work schedule

In today’s lifestyle where both couples are working in the family and no one is at home to take care of kids. It’s a challenge to manage home and work both. Flexible work schedule allows maintaining a balance between the work-life and home. You can select your preferred time or schedule that works with your lives at home. 

tress relieving methods, stress buster activities, stress buster games at work, stress buster examples, stress management skills, stress management in the workplace, activities to reduce stress in the workplace, reducing stress at work, stress relief exercises at work, stress management activities

4. Organising fun team outing

Apart from work, it is also necessary that your organisation organises plans office outing. These stress management activities will help in boosting the confidence of the employees and will also help to interact with others. These team-building exercises are a must when it comes to keeping your employees stress free.

5. Organise a team lunch or potluck party

Apart from the outings, make sure your organizations help you play games or plan other stress management activities which help you loosen up. For example – the end of the quarter can be a pretty hectic time. Last year to help employees de-stress, Halogen’s HR team organized a “pop and chip” party. They covered three boardrooms in bubble wrap and bought every flavour of chip you can think of. Employees were invited to stop by to “pop” some bubble wrap and enjoy some delicious snacks.

6. Turn on the festive mood

Have a holiday decorating contest where employees decorate their cubes, offices or they decorate their department.  Then with the help of an employee survey for voting select 2 lucky winners. This will get people to get together and will help them step out of their own areas and departments.

7. Have some ‘me’ time

It’s very essential to have “Me Time” to take care of yourself. When you are in office, you are continuously engaged in some or other work. Take some time off to rewire your brain and unwind yourself. This is your time when you keep yourself distraction-free and do whatever you want to do. In this “Me Time,” you will clear your mind, have better control of your emotions, and be in a better mood. It’s obvious when you’ll be in a better mood, your relationships will also be better. You’ll start feeling better about yourself and those around you.

8. Have fun at work

Having fun at the workplace is one of the best stress management activities you can follow. Express yourself creatively and distract yourself from the main problem. Make a practice to have fun activities in office for 15~30 minutes every day. You can play some games or do comedy. If a facility is available in the office, then do the activities in-house, else move away from the office to have fun activities.

9. Eat Healthy Food

Having healthy snacks at work boost energy to your body and reduce stress. Don’t snack on greasy or sugar-loaded foods, it will burn your energy and crash you. Have those snacks which help in reducing stress. For example, dark chocolate, pistachios, and blueberries

10. Have a laugh 

Laughter is one of the best stress-buster activities. It reduces stress, increases energy, boosts our mood and improves our resistance to disease. It actually improves our health. When we were the child, we used to laugh many times a day, but as adults, we take life seriously and laugh more infrequent. So include humour at work. Make some jokes to laugh or look online at joke websites. Spend time with friends who make you laugh. But don’t laugh at the expense of others.

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Let us know which of these activities helped you get through a long day at work.

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Aditi RampureAditi is presently working as a Content Writer at BookEventz and is currently based in Mumbai. Apart from making a decent living out of writing, she loves to seize every moment of her life with her cameras. From being a wonderous photographer to lifting weights, she aspires to inspire many.
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